I know, I skipped over the 12 month update but I will throw together a ream of pictures of Kelti's extravagant birthday weekend from the failed birthday pancakes to the cake smash. But for now... Kelti's 13 month update!
Weighing in at 20 lbs. 13 oz, we have transitioned to a front facing car seat! She loves it and I can't complain, it is super nice to see what she is doing at all times, sleeping, talking or throwing cereal all over the place.
Her first top tooth finally broke through a couple weeks ago after already 4 bottom teeth! It was really weird seeing her laugh with just one top tooth but just last night, we spotted the second top tooth coming in and another right next to it as well!
I can't take much of the credit for Kelti being such a genius child (though don't we all say that about our children) because her auntie teaches her most of it, but she is literally 13 months going on 13 years! She has dozens of words that she says including, doggy, mommy, daddy, auntie, grandma (pronounced gama), grandpa (gampa), happy, oooookay, yea, ouchy, water (wawa), bottle (baba), Hi (which is one of her favorite words), Bye bye (pronounced Buu Bye) and names of numerous friends and family. Anything you ask her to say she tries to say, though some come out more clear than others.

Eating Habits... HORRIBLE! I would say if I could know then what I know now, I would not have started trying to feed my kid by chasing her around the living room with a spoon, feeding her in the car, grocery cart to keep her happy etc. She has never come to like her highchair let alone sit in it for a full meal. She gets super cranky if she is hungry but other than that, she has no real desire to eat. She however does love her yogurt bites, when she sees the bag in her diaper bag she goes bonkers, pulls them out and eats them like candy. She goes up to the fridge and cries "Apple", this is really any fruit in the bottom fruit drawer. We are starting to put cows milk in her bottles and hopefully will be wined off the formula by the time our small stock pile runs out sometime soon.

She is currently in 12 month clothes though we got quite a bit 18 month clothes for Christmas. Some actually fit her pretty good, though others look like they may not fit her until next fall. She was out of newborn clothes within the first week of having her home, 0-3 months shortly after, 3-6 lasted her for a while though (I think I started dressing her in 3-6 months before I really needed too) and to be honest she really didn't own much 9 month clothes, we went straight to 12 month which she has been in for a while.
Walking... I mean ... Running! Enough Said.
Happy 13 months Little, we love you bunches and bunches!!
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