Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Photo Session! Winter 2013

Thank you so much to M. Kanzler Photography for taking the time to shoot our little Kelti. We were able to snag a few family photos, Christmas card pictures and a Birthday Smash Session! This was Kelti's first taste of a dessert and man oh man did we open her eyes to the world that afternoon!










Monday, November 25, 2013

Making a List... Finally Checking It!

Oh man so many things have happened in the last week! Kelti has finally decided that is was time to get off her hands and knees and she is a full on walking 11 month old! It's amazing how much this little girl has grown in the past couple days. Walking, talking and Christmas caroling.

This weekend was a busy one with house projects, Kelti's photo shoot and birthday invitations.

We painted the kitchen and FINALLY grouted the back splash which was put up last June when I was pregnant and wanting every project done imaginably possible!

See before...

And After!...

We also had a wonderful friend at M. Kanzler Photography take some pictures of our little Kelti. We got a few family pictures taken, some Christmas card photos done and most importantly her Birthday Smash!! Thank you to my sister for making the most adorable cake in the entire world, which we will have to duplicate in a couple weeks on Kelti's actual birthday. Sneak Peak of these pictures in my next post! After all this, it was time for a little FALALALALA decorating. No tree up yet but I kid you not, it will be up in 72 hours.

Have a fabulous Monday on this short work week!

Friday, November 15, 2013

"Mini" Thanksgiving Style

We are full on festive in our household these days, from the colorful straws in our glasses of milk to the books we read before bedtime. FALALALALALA! Now to our upcoming Holiday outfits... first THANKSGIVING!!!
Poor Kelti, her favorite color is going to have to be gold because that is all her mommy puts her in! Check out these gems for Thanksgiving dinner...


What do you all think? Next will be birthday outfits! Happy Friday All!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

11 Months Old

Happy 11 Months to my little Kelti. You are growing into such a spunky little lady and learn something new nearly everyday.

You have the best auntie in the world who strives to teach you new things constantly during the day while mommy is at work. You have a handful of words that you use daily including Hot, Daddy, Momma, Auntie, Doggy, WaWa (water). You are starting to try and repeat things that we say which is way too cool, though we are going to have to start watching our tongues on occasion.

You are not quite walking yet but man are you close! We are heading to the beach this weekend and I just have a feeling you are going to take those steps right there on that cold hard sand.

We love you love bug and your next birthday post will be the big ONE!

Now I need to start looking for a birthday outfit. Anyone have any suggestions?!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Need, Want, LOVE List

I am Christmas Freak! The smells, the music, the cheer, and glitter and gold! All of it makes me giddy! If you were to guess what my favorite holiday is you would probably say Christmas..... WRONG! I am head over heels in love with Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving turkey, the new fallen snow (hopefully), the full 4 day weekend, the anticipation of Black Friday, the start of the countdown to Christmas, and sitting down after a huge meal together with the family while looking over the Black Friday ads with a cup of coffee and one of Grandma's fresh oatmeal raisin cookies makes Thanksgiving the ultimate ultimate holiday in my book. Do you want me to keep going!?

Enough said... to my Need, Want, LOVE List at this very moment...

1) Ginger Snap Cookies! I am truly blessed with great Co-Workers. I was given a small bag of 4 homemade Ginger Snap cookies the other day and yes I ate them all in one sitting! His daughters whom baked the amazing cookies also labeled my bag with this adorable project! It was so cute I had to tape it to the back of my computer.

2) Hunter Boots... enough said... Need, Want, LOVE!

3) The Duck Face. When we ask Kelti, "What does the Duck say?", she response by pressing her lips and nose together and blows air out her nose like a bull on the verge of attach would do. This is known as her Duck Face! So cute!

4) 24 hour gym! Before having a baby, I went to a 24 hour gym which I absolutely loved, but for their amenities, machines, lack of crowd ect. Well (day #2) back to the gym for this girl! I feel amazing even just after a couple days and thanks to a 24 hour gym, I can get there, workout, and get home before my baby wakes up and my husband heads off to work! Yay me!!

5) The Bob... I went shorter and darker with my hair and am loving it! The soft caramel tones is just what I needed for winter!

Tis the Season!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

NOVEMBER! And Halloween Recap ....

Happy NOVEMBER all! It is officially the holiday season in my book! I woke Kelti up Friday morning November 1st, singing FALALALALA Happy November 1st little! She looked at me like I was nuts but I assure you by the end of the season she will be singing FALALALALA as well (poor daddy). Before we rush into our next chapter of festivities lets recap Halloween....

Saturday night October 26th we dressed up for a Halloween party! Luke was up hunting all day so he came home and decided to not participate in the dress up festivities, bah humbug! I dressed up as an 80's Hairdresser and Kelti was an 80's aerobics instructor...

Jump ahead to Thursday, October 31st! ALL HALLOWS EVE!! Kelti dressed up as a lady bug and we headed out! Since she is still young and does not understand the concept yet, we hit the grandparents and great grandparents houses and was home for a bedtime of 8 o'clock!




OK... October is over, bring out the red Starbucks cups, lights, glitter, gold and Christmas music!!!