Friday, April 5, 2013

Holiday Recap!

My husband and I have decided to celebrate and document every holiday during Kelti's first year. Of course, each holiday consists of an outfit or PJ's which will end up in a cedar chest to keep as memories of our Kelti Ryann's first year.

Her first holiday was Christmas Eve! Of course she had to have a picture with Santa Clause. (Also known as grandpa but.. shhhh don't tell!)

Next of course... Christmas Day! She wore a newborn lace dress with black tights. Being only a little over a week old, this our first full day out of the house as a family.

Next... Super Bowl Sunday! At two months old she was such a trooper and enjoyed even the half time show! Maybe next year she will get to experience some of the yummy foods.

Valentines Day! She wore her Valentines Day socks during the day, then we came home and put on our new Valentines day pj's which matched her new dolly's PJ's. So cute! My parents started the tradition with my sister and I and every Valentines Day we woke up to a small gift. This year Kelti got her dolly. And tradition continues!

Happy St. Patty's Day! Kelti's wardrobe consisted of her St. Patty's day socks, Daddy's Lucky Charm onsie and green skirt with leggings. What a great Sunday!

Easter Morning! Kelti woke up in her of course... Easter pj's! I was determined to find the perfect Easter Basket that she could grow up with and use every year. I actually found it at Joann Fabrics! This year Kelti got a stuffed animal giraffe we named Jeanie (this is now her favorite toy and we don't leave the house without it!). Next we went to my parents house for Easter morning breakfast where again, Kelti was greeted with an Easter basket filled with goodies.

Family picture before we headed off to the second house of the three we were visiting that day! Kelti wore her Easter dress and sunflower headband, though it was soon replaced with a bonnet and sunscreen because we were blessed with a gorgeous Easter Sunday and 75 degree weather!

Last house of the day, Kelti was greeted by the Easter Bunny himself! My cousin dressed up as the Easter bunny and walked around the yard laying the eggs for the kids Easter hunt. We let the kids peek out the window just in time to see the "Easter Bunny" hop away! So cute!

And this was the end of the long day. She ended up falling asleep on her own just like this! Super tired little girl! Can't wait for more holidays to come!