Monday, December 30, 2013

Positvie Words.... Positive Words.

Monday Morning to Ya'll!

First off, I want to say I am sooo soo sorry for being MIA the past couple weeks! With all the birthdays, my mom's, my sisters and Kelti's big ONE plus Christmas festivities I feel completely toasted! I still have to post about Kelti's big birthday bash and Christmas with a toddler, which will all be coming super soon.

This morning I woke up, gloomy at the fact that everyone I know is sleeping in and I am up and at 'em on this dreary Monday. So I had a long talk with myself (in my head of course because out load would be just weird) and told myself to think positively. My list of words that came quickly to my head...
1. Football Sundays

2. Fancy Cocktails to Ring in the New Year
3. Clean Sheets
4. Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

5. Homegrown Tomatoes (Kelti and I eat them like candy!)
6. Gold, Glitter, Shimmer and Sparkle!
7. Manicure!

8. Spring time, iced coffee... Yes it is still 30 degrees out but remember we are being positive.
Here's to a productive Monday, READY, SET... GO!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy Birthday to my Mother! You have been such a caregiver, friend, support system and rock in my life. You have shaped me in ways that I cannot even express gratitude for and I hope to become the Mother for baby Kelti that you are for me. I learn from you every day and thank god that I was chosen to be yours.

Not only is December 11th my mothers birthday but this was also Kelti's due date. I knew this little miracle was something special when she was given the same birth date as my mother, my mothers uncle and my mothers grandpa. Kelti would have been the forth generation to be born on this special day and we were all so ecstatic. Kelti had other plans though and decided to leave this special day for her grandma to enjoy and pick her own birth date a couple days later.


Happy Birthday Mom, I hope you have a fabulous day, love you lots and can't wait to celebrate!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Happy December!

Hi All!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. With the Thanksgiving Holiday (my favorite holiday might I add), Black Friday, hunting season (for the hubby), the obvious important Monday Night Football (GO HAWKS!) and well to be honest I have to be in the mood to write a post, otherwise it is just  a bunch of mumbo jumbo if you know what I mean!

Kelti's Thanksgiving outfit was in the end, picked out for her comfort, walking abilities and obviously cuteness. Sweater dress, plaid leggings and boots completed her ensemble.

This was also her last "1st" holiday; sad mommy here, she is just growing up so fast! This year will be Kelti's second Christmas and I just can't believe it! This was her on Christmas last year, just 10 days old.


Next week Kelti will turn the big ONE! Invitations have been sent, menu is planned, decorations are... well... still needing to be purchased. This weekend will be a busy one with decorations to buy, cookies to make, groceries to purchase, presents to wrap and I feel like the list goes on and on. And on top of that, this is the last weekend of hunting season and Luke will be MIA. Thank goodness I have such a good support system so close to home. I believe it really does take a village to raise a child and we are so blessed to have family around to help at the drop of a hat. I have been pinning (because I am a Pinterest Freak!) first birthday ideas since I found out that I was having a girl. Here are a few that I stashed away for that special day. I still just can't wrap my head around the fact that it is just a week away.



Until next time!