Kelti's first camping trip way went better than ever expected. She was such a social butterfly, eating up the sun (the little that we had anyways) and loved being outside in the fresh mountain air. Packing for a baby is as everyone knows, a challange. Lots of prep, shopping and note making but in the end it came off without a hitch! Between the obvious diapers, wipes and formula which I packed way to much of, we packed a couple of items that were lifesavers.
Highchair ~ Also used as a seat for her to sit and play with her toys as she is not 100% able to sit up and STAY sitting up on her own yet. Kelti is now starting on rice cereal and some pureed veggies. She is growing up so fast!
Pack and Play ~ For ALL the obvious reasons!
Bjorn ~ Was perfect to carry her around with you and keep her involved while you could still enjoy a conversation, beverage or hotdog :) Don't forget the Stella shades!
Next trip, BOATING!
Any tips and tricks for a winter baby heading into the summer season?!
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