Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy 9 months to you and Happy 4 years to Us!

Happy Happy Friday!! Again we made it to another weekend and man o' man have we had a week in our household. Luke and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary yesterday. After work we hit the spa for a wonderful couples massage and pampering.

Little did we know that by 8pm and no dinner we would be starving! We looked like a hot mess however with greasy hair and skin from all the oils they used on us. Of course I wanted a nice restaurant on our anniversary but I was running into a few setbacks... 1) I looked awful; 2) we smelt like a papyri set; 3) we felt like we had been run over by a freight truck and were completely exhausted. So we finally decide after a few sighs that it was takeout for us. Well shoot! If we get take out, go get our girlie, she is absolutely not going to let us eat (she wants everything that you have so eating dinner is literally impossible sometimes). After the call had been placed for the takeout we decided to go in and eat it. My chowder tasted like soap and I am wondering if it was just leaking out of my pores from the massage. Oh well, dinner, even though not quite what I had in mind, ACCOMPLISHED!

We decided on our first anniversary that we were going to do the traditional gifts.. Year One was paper, Year Two was cotton, Three was Leather and Four is Silk or Linen. Well, let me tell you how creative you have to be to find something for your husband in the Silk and Linen department! Ahhh but I did it! Of course it was late shipping out so he will get it today so I can't disclose what it is quite yet... :) And this girl got some gorgeous new maxi dresses for our up coming trip to Napa, CA! Win win!! Well enough about us, I just want to wish my hubby a Happy Anniversary; the last ten years together have been amazing, the last four were incredible and the last nine months with our little miracle have been indescribable. Thank you for the life that you have given me and the one we are currently building. <3

Our little bumblebee is 9 months old today! At this time 9 months ago you were on your way into this world and what a journey that was. (In an upcoming post we will go back in time to Kelti's Birth Story I promise)



Holy macaroni baby Kelti, you are growing into such a spunky young lady! A couple milestones this month... You are crawling all over the place, running away from us like it's a game (oh no!) and climbing up anything and everything.

The first tooth is trying to poke through as we speak! I can barely see it but you can really feel it coming in and you are chewing on everything!

You are also such a little talker. You definitely have the "Mama" and "Dada" down pat and the newest word... Puppy which you pronounce as "Pup Pup".

You love to point at things and now that you are trying to talk we always tell you what it is you are pointing at because you are brilliant and we know you understand. :)

You never really got the baby rolls like some baby's get but the one and only that you had on your leg is nearly gone. (sad face) You are just reminding us everyday that you will not be little forever and you are learning, growing and changing everyday. We love you little lady and are extremely proud of the girlie you are becoming.


Kisses and hugs!

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