Tuesday, August 13, 2013

8 Months ~ WOW!

Happy 8 month birthday baby love! Wow how much you have grown in a month, it is just amazing! A few major recaps...


July 2013 ~ Eating! You are a little muncher yet it seems like you are already loosing all of your cute little baby rolls (the few that you actually got). You love your "cereal" which is the little gerber puffs that desolve in your mouth instantly. You always want what is on momma's plate even if we have your food right in front of you. Sippy cup.. Forget it! You want a cup and a straw like mom or a water bottle which ends up all over you in the end. We found you some water bottles that are for childern but actually work better than a sippy cup. It has a straw so you have welcomed them with open arms.

July 4th, 2013 ~ Starting babbling. First word was baabbah which is what we tend to call your bottle. Second, to my unfortunate suprise.. Dada. You love your daddy so so much and light up everytime he walks in the room. Finally a few weeks later we got a momma out of you but I really do think it started at Num Num which is the word you use while eating your cereal. (First taste of Green Juice, you love it!)

July 20th, 2013 ~ You started waving Bye Bye. It is so cute! You are definitely getting better at it day by day but you choose to do it when you please so when Mommy is trying to show you off and wants you to say bye bye of course you dont do it. You start wailing your hands and yelling as soon as we get you in the car though, go figure. You don't say "Bye Bye" yet is more of a yell.

July 31st ~ Clapping! You know how to clap now and love to get excited and clap. When you do something incredible, which is all the time, Mommy claps and you clap too! Adorable!

August 4th, 2013 ~ First crawl. You were so close to crawling for such a long time yet never took the pludge. Finally on the morning of August 4th while me and your daddy where playing with you in your bedroom you decided that "Today is the Day"! We put daddy's iphone a couple feet away from you while it played the Despicable Me 2 trailer. You love those little jumping yellow guys! You crawled right over to it and was so excited. Of course we did this multiple times and finally when it was time to get up and move to the next task of the day, you had a COW when daddy had to take his phone away. Shortly after it was definitely nap time. (Picture of first crawl)

August 7th, 2013 ~ You started pointing at things. You tend to babble while pointing at random items so I decided to start saying "What's That!" everytime. Well you caught on fast and I swear you point at things and say "What's That!". This is my all time favorite thing right now, you are so gosh darn cute! I am sure I will regret it later. :)

Happy Birthday Bumblebee!!

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