First off, I want to say I am sooo soo sorry for being MIA the past couple weeks! With all the birthdays, my mom's, my sisters and Kelti's big ONE plus Christmas festivities I feel completely toasted! I still have to post about Kelti's big birthday bash and Christmas with a toddler, which will all be coming super soon.
This morning I woke up, gloomy at the fact that everyone I know is sleeping in and I am up and at 'em on this dreary Monday. So I had a long talk with myself (in my head of course because out load would be just weird) and told myself to think positively. My list of words that came quickly to my head...
1. Football Sundays
2. Fancy Cocktails to Ring in the New Year
3. Clean Sheets
4. Sunshine on a Cloudy Day
5. Homegrown Tomatoes (Kelti and I eat them like candy!)
6. Gold, Glitter, Shimmer and Sparkle!
7. Manicure!
8. Spring time, iced coffee... Yes it is still 30 degrees out but remember we are being positive.
Here's to a productive Monday, READY, SET... GO!